FiraCode – A really nice Font for programmers!

I spent the last week talking about RavenDB in San Francisco. By the way, version 4 is out. Also, I had the opportunity to watch Ayende writing some code 🙂

The Font that Ayende uses (and now I started using it too) is FiraCode.

FiraCode is a beautiful monospaced font with programming ligatures.

Please, ignore the code. Just look at the Font. Isn’t nice?

Alexander Andrews

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  1. I have being used this Font and I would like to tell you that it’s very funny and worth to have. Another thing that programmers are able to perceive is that using this Font they’ll have their code closer to Math 😀

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Elemar Júnior

Sou fundador e CEO da EximiaCo e atuo como tech trusted advisor ajudando diversas empresas a gerar mais resultados através da tecnologia.

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